Men of Leith Men's Shed

Leith Men's Shed

There is a new Men’s Shed opening in Leith! This is a welcoming community for all men, working together to improve men’s health and wellbeing. Whether you enjoy working with wood and metal, learning a new skill or simply having a wee blether you are welcome to come along.

Men, what's in it for you?

Please join us to find out how the Men of Leith Men's shed could be an ideal fit for you.

A community for all men, working together to improve men's health, connection and wellbeing.

The Men of Leith Men's Shed is an authentic men's shed run by men for the benefit of men. Whether you enjoy workng with wood and metal, learning a new skill or simply having a wee blether you are welcome to come along. Let us know what you want!

"In short we feel more invigorated, more motivated, more active, healthier and indeed happier. Isn't that what a shed is about?"

Bill B

"I went from a life of meaningless TV, fridge and couch to enjoy making a real difference to my community."
Lou K

Registered Charity SC047004.
Supported by The City of Edinburgh and The Scottish Men's Shed Association.



The Men of Leith Men's Shed
The Custom Lane Cafe, behind Custom House
67 Commercial Street,
Leith EH6 6LH